If you could go back in time….
For instance, I would have loved to have lived during Regency England. The clothing was fabulous, the parties were incredible and (of course!) meeting and mixing with the gentry would have been amazing.
Civil War in the United States was another era. My family was from the South….regular farming folks…but still, visions of Gone with the Wind have always danced in my head. I would have loved to have had my very own Rhett Butler!!
What about the Roaring 20’s? Or perhaps the years that encompassed the Second World War…..Rosie the Riveter, seeing the boys off after spending an evening at the USO, England during the Blitz…all trying times and yet, as a romance writer I wonder about all the love and angst of the times.
One of my favorite movies was Somewhere in Time starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour…a writer from current times goes back into the past to meet the woman he was destined to love. If you have never seen it you are missing a fabulous romance, a hauntingly beautiful theme song and great performances by two great actors.
The costumes are breathtaking, the love story is timeless and it makes me wish I could have been there…..been Jane Seymour’s character.
If you could go back in time, to an era you would have loved to have experienced, when would it have been……and what would you be doing?
It is a fascinating question to me…the incurable romantic,
I loved Somewhere in Time. One of my favorite movies. There are certain periods that I would love to visit but briefly. I could just imagine going to watch Romeo and Juliet when it was performed for the first time, or listen to Amadeus play.
A few men gathered at the bottom of the hill. Their faces worn, their eyes sunken, their torn and tattered gray uniforms stained with sweat and dried blood hung on limp bodies as if puppets without strings. More than the fatigue of war, the men wore slain hearts for the women and children left behind, safe from battle.
They must go on. They have no choice.
“Let’s go men,” said Captain Woodard.
The men rose, one by one, lifting their packs and throwing them on over their frail shoulders.
There was a time when those shoulders were strong, eyes bright as falling stars, and a heart ringing clear the love of a woman. But those times seem so far away and fading fast like a tired sun at the end of the day.
Okay- sorry I got carried away but Karen inspired me to do it. Yes, the Civil War era would be my choice.