Ideas on the run….

A note to other aspiring writers….make sure you always keep a notepad or, at the least, an accessible piece of paper and a pen with you most of the time. I have learned that ideas will pop into my head at some most unusual places and under any circumstance.

Jot down anything that you see or feel that pertains to your story…for me these thoughts may occur while driving (be sure to find a safe place to pause and write….never good to make notes while speeding down the highway), glancing at photos, reading the news, watching television or people-watching! Often I will hear a phrase or see an outfit that would be perfect for my characters….and if I wait to write these things later….sometimes it slips my mind!

Another purpose for that handy notepad? Jotting down ideas for new stories or characters!! In the last few weeks I’ve found that two or three newer plots are forming in my head and I have to capture them while they are fresh and new, almost always when I am away from my computer!! Plus I am title-challenged, meaning when it comes to putting a name to my work it borders on the impossible. As I sit at the keyboard and ponder over titles and their meanings and their possible appeal my mind will draw a huge blank. Moments later, while waiting in line at the bank or at a fast food restaurant I think of the perfect one, only to have it disappear by the time I arrive home. Jotting down key words or these sudden title inspirations is a must!

I have to empty my purse often….checking the pieces of paper and little notes I’ve jotted down….keeping some for later use and throwing out others that I won’t need. Now I need to find a way to file all my notes and keep them handy without creating another to-do pile on the desk!

Loving the fall inspiration,



4 Responses to “Ideas on the run….

  • try one of those pocket moleskin notebook… I always have one with me, then I copy whatever I jot down there wherever I need it! 😉
    Happy writing

  • try one of those pocket moleskin notebook… I always have one with me, then I copy whatever I jot down there wherever I need it! 😉
    Happy writing